Pony Owners

Owners Charity Show

Owners Pony and Young Riders Charity Show, 25th – 27th October 2013

Rules & Information:
1. Vaccination against Equine Influenza Compulsory.
2. Block Fee is €70 which covers 2 qualifiers, Grand Prix or Farewell Stakes.
3. 40 Pony or Young Rider combinations will qualify for relevant Grand Prix.
4. Only Pony or Young Rider combinations that have jumped in the qualifying events and have not qualified for the Grand Prix can compete in the Farewell Stakes.
5. A Horse can only be entered in one Young Riders Grand Prix.
6 Team Challenge Competitions; Choose your own team of 3 riders to challenge the HPI 128 and 138 Pony Teams, 148 European Team and YR European Team.
7. Recently upgraded “Hook Up” connections are €65 (Increased number available since 2012) should be booked online at www.ownerscharityshow.com.
8. Entries can only be made online at www.ownerscharityshow.com Entries should be accompanied by a €10 non-refundable fee per pony/horse and all entries for the show must be made by the closing date. Additional entries made after closing date will incur a €5 penalty per entry, late entries will incur a €10 penalty per entry. Closing date Wednesday 16th October 2013 at 10.00pm.
9. Office opens at 4.00pm on Thursday 24th October 2013.
10. Jumping tickets to be handed in when declaring.
11. The committee reserves the right to refuse entries or admission without reason and make alterations to the programme.
12. Complete information is on our website www.ownerscharityshow.com.
13. Stabling available on site can ONLY be booked at www.millstreethorseshow.ie.
14. Accommodation list and local rules can be seen on www.millstreethorseshow.ie.
15. The Committee of the Owners Pony and Young Riders Charity Show wish to thank the Duggan Family for the use of the Green Glens Arena FREE OF CHARGE and ask you not to litter the grounds.
16. Entry fees on the withdrawals will be refunded less an administration charge.