Statement regarding Millstreet International Horse Show/Horse Trials – August 2020

It is with great regret that we confirm that Millstreet International Horse Show (Show-Jumping) and Millstreet International Horse Trials (Eventing), will not take place this year.
We have closely observed everything that has unfolded since the middle of March, when we had to make the decision not to stage the International Welcome Tour. Foremost in our minds at all times were the possible effects that the COVID-19 pandemic would have on our two main equestrian fixtures; both scheduled for August 2020.
While the green shoots of a return to normality are slowly starting to emerge, to invest ourselves, both financially and personally in the preparation for both events in such an unsure environment is very challenging. We feel that the very necessary restrictions that have been placed on the general public make events of this calibre impossible to organise and execute in a safe manner at this time.
A sporting event on the scale of Millstreet International Horse Show (4th – 9th August) could not take place under the current Irish Government advice. Furthermore, we have a civic responsibility to protect the health and safety of a wide range of people including athletes, visitors, supporters, staff and volunteers, our own immediate family and the Millstreet community at large.
We would like to thank everybody for their continued support as well as those that have been in touch with us during the past few weeks. Our country has come together in this time of crisis, we extend our gratitude to those that have played their part in keeping everybody safe and providing essential services in recent months. We are also thinking of the families, friends and regular visitors to Millstreet that have experienced personal loss during the course of this pandemic.
While we fully recognise that this news will be greeted with disappointment in many quarters, equestrian sport does not exist in a vacuum and public safety has to be our first priority. We very much regret these decisions but look forward to welcoming everybody back to the Green Glens Arena in 2021.
The Duggan Family